Problems We Treat: Deep Cleaning Coeur d'Alene

Dental Deep Cleaning Coeur d'Alene

A standard dental cleaning focuses on removing plaque and tartar build-up that’s above the gumline on the teeth. The risk of gum disease is heightened, however, when plaque build-up is significant. It can be difficult with a standard cleaning to remove bacteria that start to form pockets just under the gumline.

That’s when deep cleaning gums, also referred to as root planning or scaling, becomes necessary. Coeur d'Alene Deep cleaning effectively removes plaque and bacteria from below the gumline to prevent gum disease and possible tooth decay in the future.

How to Know if You Need Dental Deep Cleaning in CDA

Improper oral hygiene or infrequent standard dental cleanings can cause plaque build-up or bacteria below the gumline. Because the buildup isn’t always obvious or accompanied by pain or discomfort, patients may have the beginning stages of gum disease (gingivitis) without even knowing it.

Common oral issues that indicate a need for a deep gum cleaning include:

At Coeur d’Alene Dental Center, we can diagnose the beginning stages of gum disease and provide deep cleaning treatments.

What is the deep cleaning process?

Typically, deep gum cleanings are usually performed over two appointments. This is so that only one side of your mouth is deep cleaned at a time which helps you eat and speak comfortably after your appointment. The side of the mouth to be deep cleaned is numbed with a local anesthetic or numbing cream before a dental scaler is used to manually scrape away plaque under the gumline.

An ultrasonic dental device is used in some cases, which vibrates to break away plaque and tartar that is hard to reach with the scaler. Root planing may be used to smooth out any rough patches on your tooth’s root, which discourages bacteria from sticking to it. An antibiotic gel may be placed in your gums to fight off residual bacteria.

Does a deep cleaning hurt?

A deep cleaning can be uncomfortable and painful since it’s removing plaque and tartar below the gumline. Hence, a local anesthetic is typically administered prior to treatment so that your gums are numbed before any scaling is performed.

What to Expect After a Deep Gum Cleaning Coeur d'Alene

Immediately after a deep cleaning, you should expect swollen gums, tenderness, and soreness. When brushing your teeth, slight bleeding is also normal for the first few days following the scaling treatment.

Four to six weeks after your second deep cleaning, a follow-up appointment is typically scheduled to ensure the gums are healing well and pockets are shrinking. The frequency of your regular cleanings is typically increased to ensure plaque is controlled and the gum infection doesn’t return.

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We know everyone has different schedules, because of this we offer late afternoon and early morning appointments.

CDA Dentists