Dental Blog

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Contributed by DentalROI

Invisalign Clear BracesPeople who are embarrassed about showing their smile because of crooked teeth are increasingly turning to an innovative, cutting-edge alternative to traditional dental braces. The Invisalign system of teeth straightening has taken the world of orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry by storm over recent years, and these aligners have become the most popular removable braces.

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Non-Surgical Periodontal Disease Treatments

Contributed by DentalROI

Gum Disease TreatmentYou may think periodontal treatment always involves surgery, but non-surgical therapy can be effective in the early stages of gum disease. Surgical intervention to repair gum tissue and bone is only necessary for more advanced stages of periodontitis.

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What is Sleep Apnea?

Contributed by DentalROI

Sleep Apnea TreatmentSleep apnea is estimated to affect at least one in 10 people to some degree. In serious cases, symptoms of sleep apnea are similar to those of narcolepsy, causing a person to fall asleep with little or no warning.

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Difference Between a Mini Dental Implant and a Standard Implant?

Contributed by DentalROI

Difference between Mini Dental Implants and Standard Dental ImplantsRegular implants are tooth root replacements that form a base for permanent or removable artificial teeth and are also used to hold removable dentures in place. They provide an effective alternative to more conventional methods of replacing teeth, whether you’re missing one tooth, several teeth or all your teeth.

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Whats New In Cosmetic Dentistry

Contributed by DentalROI

What Is New In Cosmetic DentistryIn enhancing the appearance of a person’s teeth, cosmetic dentistry improves their smile and self-confidence, which can result in a more positive lifestyle, both socially and at work.

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Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

Contributed by DentalROI

Professional Teeth WhiteningYour smile is important. It says a lot about you, encourages positive interaction with other people, and generally makes you feel better about yourself. If your teeth are discolored, though, you will probably be too embarrassed to let others see them, and this can result in a loss of self-esteem.

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Welcome to our dental blog!

Contributed by DentalROI

We're excited to have you.  Check back here often to get the last tips and tricks to maintaining your optimal oral health.

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